Newly available Pherobank products, pheromone lure for Contarinia nasturtii
Contarinia nasturtii
English: Swede midge
Dutch: koolgalmug
Français: cécidomyie du chou-fleur
Deutsch: Kohldrehherzmücke
Contarinia nasturtii is a small fly, the larvae of which infest brassica plants, causing twisting and distortion of the leaf stems and foliage including death of the growing point in seedlings, or damage to developing flower heads. It is native to Europe, and has been introduced into North America where it is regarded as an invasive pest species.
Host plants for C. nasturtii include cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, kohlrabi and a number of wild plants in the brassica family.
The female produced pheromone has been identified by the group of Ilva Hillbur in 2004 and published in 2005 in Journal of Chemical Ecology, Vol. 31, No. 8, August 2005. A blend of synthetic (2S,9S )-diacetoxyundecane, (2S,10S)-diacetoxyundecane plus (S)-2-acetoxyundecane appeared very attractive to male midges.

Figure 1. Pheromone compounds of Contarinia nasturtii
Pherobank has synthesised these three pheromone compounds in the enantiopure form. The optimal pheromone blend formulated in ready-for-use lures is now available.

Figure 2. close-up of pheromone trapped Contarinia nasturtii
- Contarinia nasturtii pheromone lure, Pherobank article #: 50390
- only available as lures